Monthly Archives: November 2023

Captain Marvel Forever

Custom Head Sculpt Captain Marvel

It’s been a week or more after my last post, I’ve been inactive on managing the web lately. We have some new products released, one of them are my favourite female Marvel heroes, it is Custom Head Sculpt Captain Marvel which available to pre-order on the store. It should have more expressions, but i only […]

Hugh Jackman Wolverine Custom Head Sculpt

Custom Head Sculpt Masked Logan

While focusing on Marvel Comic’s super heroes, I’m adding new product from Wolverine’s Movie Franchise. Most of Hugh Jackman’s fans want him to wear the iconic wolverine mask just like in the comic books. After years passed by, it seems the possibility of him wearing the mask will happen on the upcoming Deadpool 3. So […]

Too Late For Halloween with Daredevil Zombie

Custom Head Sculpt Daredevil Zombie

Althought this new Custom Head Sculpt Daredevil Zombie sculpted from last month, I’ve missed the chance to post it for Halloween day. But still I was really happy that I’ve got the chance to have my own version of Marvel Zombies custom head sculpt starting with Zombie Daredevil. If I had another Marvel Legends Daredevil […]