Monthly Archives: December 2023

Jean Grey Will Be Joining The Rooster

Jean Grey Will Be Joining The Rooster

It is long holiday, Christmas day, and its going to be a new year in few days. One of my resolution is to finish this Custom Head Sculpt Jean Grey for Mafex Jean Grey body, Marvel Legends version will follow after this. The custom head sculpt consist of two types of hairstyle, a ponytail and […]

Clearing First Batch of Custom Head Sculpt Classic Cyclops

Custom Head Sculpt Classic Cyclops

It’s been awhile, December is going to be busy month for me but hopefully will be a good holiday for you all. First of all, big thanks for joining the pre-order of Custom Head Sculpt Classic Cyclops which already on second batchs. I never thought that you like this because I was in doubt with […]