Tag Archives: Hasbro

Custom Cape for VHS Doctor Strange

Coming with different design on the upper area here is the Custom Cape for VHS Doctor Strange, already added to the variation on the shop. The product still comes with yellow waist sash for the one who want to completely remove the plastic one. To wear the custom cape you only need to put it […]

Thor Strikes Again

Thor is one from the 80th Anniversary’s trio that need to upgrade from the soft good custom cape until custom head sculpt to give him boost especially on the appearance. That is why there are two type of Thor heads available to choose, Custom Head Sculpt Classic Thor Angry version and Custom Head Sculpt Classic […]

Heads Up for Upcoming Peter Parker Unmasked

Haven’t touch the Spider-Man for a long time so this should be the right time to do. Just got this beautiful sculpt of Peter Parker to trial and paint test and it turned out really good for Marvel Legends and Mafex body. Not only that, the Spider-Man head sculpt with interchangeable eyes part still work […]

Custom Hoodie for Scarlet Spider

Custom Hoodie for Scarlet Spider

Some people still got issues with the current Mafex Scarlet Spider which has been released last year. Some of them prefer a bigger spider logo on the soft good hoodie, and some of them want a torned soft good hoodie. That was some reasons why i am doing this Custom Hoodie for Scarlet Spider, not […]

Custom Head Sculpt Wolverine Throughout The Years

Custom Head Sculpt Wolverine Screaming V3

Not only Daredevil I also do love collecting Wolverine in my collection. That is why I am trying to perfect this Custom Head Sculpt Wolverine especially for Mafex based on what comes in my mind. It might not suite your style but I do love the improvement troughout the years. Few years ago, the first […]

Welcoming 2024 with Smiling Daredevil

Happy New Year! thought it was so late but this is my first post on 2024. There’s so much happened during 2023 and we just passing the critical moment with so many packages that stuck during the long holiday on November and December 2023. Most of the packages reach the destination but still got some […]

Clearing First Batch of Custom Head Sculpt Classic Cyclops

Custom Head Sculpt Classic Cyclops

It’s been awhile, December is going to be busy month for me but hopefully will be a good holiday for you all. First of all, big thanks for joining the pre-order of Custom Head Sculpt Classic Cyclops which already on second batchs. I never thought that you like this because I was in doubt with […]

Captain Marvel Forever

Custom Head Sculpt Captain Marvel

It’s been a week or more after my last post, I’ve been inactive on managing the web lately. We have some new products released, one of them are my favourite female Marvel heroes, it is Custom Head Sculpt Captain Marvel which available to pre-order on the store. It should have more expressions, but i only […]

Hugh Jackman Wolverine Custom Head Sculpt

Custom Head Sculpt Masked Logan

While focusing on Marvel Comic’s super heroes, I’m adding new product from Wolverine’s Movie Franchise. Most of Hugh Jackman’s fans want him to wear the iconic wolverine mask just like in the comic books. After years passed by, it seems the possibility of him wearing the mask will happen on the upcoming Deadpool 3. So […]

Too Late For Halloween with Daredevil Zombie

Custom Head Sculpt Daredevil Zombie

Althought this new Custom Head Sculpt Daredevil Zombie sculpted from last month, I’ve missed the chance to post it for Halloween day. But still I was really happy that I’ve got the chance to have my own version of Marvel Zombies custom head sculpt starting with Zombie Daredevil. If I had another Marvel Legends Daredevil […]